Montag, 5. November 2012

English Post!

This is Google Translator!
I have not written anything for so long and that is the reason why I can report now soo much important. Ok, let's start with the most important. It sounds more dramatic than it is, but I had to change host families! My old host family was because of family problems, unfortunately, no longer able to be me and Magnus in the house have. now I live at the Martin's in Sherborn, which is the next town from dover. Don´t worry, I did not have to change schools or something like that, I just have a new family. But honestly, everything is even better now than before because I now a friend- brother who has also previously played soccer with me and with whom I really do have much fun and we have a lot of fun together (Love you William). I also have a father and a host mother, Karen and Chris, both of them are really nice. Also a little host sister, Eva. Now is simply much more life throughout. Penny is there too, our 12 year old really nice and sweet dog: D
Ok, lets get to the next point, which makes my American friends happy and my German friends not so ´much. I decided to stay for the whole year instead of staying only for the half year here. Everything here is really good and all of the people are really nice to me. I have so many great friends found and I want to keep on partying with you til June! :D I'm looking forward to the half year, I now have more here, but also to the moment, that to arrive at home. That was one of the most serious decisions that I ever had to make, but I think I made the right decision.
Ok, now I come to Hurricane Sandy. That was the only hurrican I've ever seen and that was pretty impressive and scary and violent. Here it wasn´t as bad as in  New York or New Jersey, but we have still felt pretty much. At a neighbours house , several trees fell directly on the house and it is gonna take quite long  to rebuild! We were  3 1/2 days without electricity or running water, which can be sooo boring! But it was also kind of funny, to watch all of this. Luckily none of my friends has been injured or something!
The good thing was that we were without power, unfortunately, unfortunately also have no school, so we were free from Monday to Wednesday last week. Sandy is probably back next Thursday with 1 1/2 feet snow. So: Winter in 2 days! Ok that was a lot of information. Keep following me, C U, Simon!

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